About Me

while working a full time job, raising one child, keeping the dog fed, attempting to keep a somewhat clean house, making sure the husband is happy and dinner is not from a drive thru everynight

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Doc McStuffins party

Well I have decided to chronicle my adventure in planning a Doc McStuffin birthday party for my soon to be 4 year old. First up the invitation which I had made on etsy. I simply found one I thought was cute and next ting I know one thing is checked off the list.

Monday, December 24, 2012


So yes I have been a total blog slacker. Let's just say work got CRAZY, and life got in the way. But with that said I am going to try and be better. in the new year!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas traditions

Long ago before I was married I dreamed of a tradition that I could share with my future husband and our future children. One that they would share with there families. It is a simple tradition but one that is special to us. We do glass blown ornaments, the old fashioned kind. This is because this is what my grandfather had and I still remember them, although I have no idea where his are I would give anything for them now. But they were probably sold when he passed away years ago.

Each year my husband picks me out an ornament and I pick him out one. When our daughter was born we started buying her ornaments and when my father passed away 3 Christmases ago we decided to get my brother in on the deal. So each year we each have a small box to open with an ornament in it that pertains to something that happened this year.

My husband got me this one while I was pregnant
We got my brother this the year he graduated from college
I have gotten my husband multiple cars and motorcycles, a fishing Santa but my favorite has to be
Okay so no it is not that exact thing but I did find an old world Christmas ornament that is a sumo wrestler, that I love more than anything. But I am at work  and it is at home so you are stuck to imagine that big guy all done in delicate glass. We try to keep it pretty light hearted and fun.

Monday, November 26, 2012


with the flu! Yes you read that right. The little one came down with the flu (per the nose swab). As a result we spent the long weekend trapped in the house. We dragged putting the Christmas tree and other decorations into a 2 day process just becasue it was all we had to look forward to. We spent the weekend in sweats and I did not put on any make up. So there are no photos sorry. BUT I did get to work on the big girl bed some. So I will be back with pictures of that soon.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Big Girl Bed

Well we did it after scouring Craigslist for months we bit the bullet and last night bought a big girl bed. And let me tell you someone is excited about it. So excited she woke up at 5:30 and asked if we could stop at the store and get what we need to fix (read paint) it so she could sleep in it. Well guess where we were at 6:00 am on our way to work. This would be the bed. Oh and don't think it is going to stay this way nope it will be Hot Pink next time you see it. Wish me luck.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Turkey day to do list

Well it's here Thanksgiving week. And while I do have alot of help (family bringing side dishes) I still have rather lofty thanksgiving plans. So this is my official Thanksgiving Week to do list:

MONDAY after work
make the Cranberry Sauce (I know you can buy it in a can but it is so much better like this)

TUESDAY mornine
make the Turkey brine

TUESDAY afterwork
wash the turkey and put it in the brine

WEDNESDAY afternoon (I only work a half day the day before Thanksgiving)
make the pumpkin pie
make the apple cake
prepare the stuffing
set the oven to start preheating at 4:45 am

5:00 am wake up and wash the Turkey and stuff it
5:30 am put the bird in the oven
5:35 am go back to sleep
6:00 am wake up to base (repeat every 30 minuets)
9:45 am start the mashed potatoes
10:30 am remove Turkey
11:30 (on the dot) we eat

My husbands grandfather has set the rules we eat at 11:30 it took me a long time to adjust to this but I have and it actually works out well for us allowing anyone who has other commitments to be able to have the entire afternoon for them.

Oh I almost forgot at 3:00 pm start nagging the husband to get down the Christmas decor!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Get back Santa..It's the Turkey's turn!

In no way shape or form am I ready for Christmas. In fact I am still trying to get over Halloween. Where did this year go it flew by. Last time I checked it was still summer or so I thought. But what is up with the holidays getting jammed down our throats.

I guess I had better get ready and fast because Thanksgiving is next week and the whole family will be at my house demanding lunch by 11:30 on Thanksgivign day. I did move my 20 pound Turkey from the freezer to the fridge this morning here it sits in all its glory...

Yes it is still in the Winn Dixie bag. I look at it as extra protection to keep the turkey juices off everything else in the fridge.